Mosfet IRFB4115 TO-220AB N-Channel, 150V, 104A, 380W, Rds 0.11OHM
The IRFB4115 is a high voltage N-channel MOSFET with a maximum drain-source voltage of 150V and a maximum drain current of 104A. It is housed in a TO-220AB package and has a typical on-resistance of 0.11Ω.
* **Drain-Source Voltage:** 150V
* **Drain Current:** 104A
* **Gate Threshold Voltage:** 2-4V
* **On-Resistance:** 0.11Ω
* **Package:** TO-220AB
* High voltage and current capability
* Low on-resistance
* Fast switching speed
* Easy to drive
* Can be used in high power applications
* Reduces power dissipation
* Improves efficiency
* Simplifies circuit design
* Motor control
* Power supplies
* Inverters
* Battery chargers